education & wellbeing: COACHING, PD, CONSULTS
Educators need helpful tools to encourage the development of healthy wellbeing for learning and life with all children and young people. We provide coaching and professional development in practical strategies on site and through workshops.
Kimochis® are incredibly easy to use social and emotional learning tools with proven outcomes within the classroom, family, and community environment. We partner with Plushy Feely Corp (USA) to provide access to tools and endorsed training.
organisational development
Future focused organisations are places which go beyond the basic forms and processes with which we are so familiar. They value people, provide connection and belonging, value creativity, measure real outcomes, are collaborative, and adaptive. We provide coaching and facilitation to help find the next steps.
Time is a valuable commodity. In today's world it seems as though it is in short supply. How do you look after yourself? How do you provide time for your people to look after themselves? We need to put our oxygen masks on first, before helping anyone else. We provide on site and open workshops to explore practical tools.
guest speaking & facilitation
There is an art to finding the right way to engage a group of people. In this world of new media and competing demands, we need to utilise tools at our disposal to get people's attention from the start. We can provide workshop or event facilitation, hosting, or guest speaking spots on a range of topics in our areas of expertise.
Supporter of youthwise magazine